Political Science Department

Political Sciences Department of Perm State University has been undertaking its activities since 1 September 1998.
At present within its Bachelor, Master and PhD programs the Department implements multifaceted educational programmes that include study of political institutions, processes and technologies in local, regional, national and global politics.
Educational process at the Department is focused on the development of fundamental education of the top quality, which allows students to express their full potential in different domains: from research to political consulting. Having developed not only broad knowledge but also practical skills vastly valued in the ever-changing world Alumni of the Political Sciences Department easily fit into it.

The Political Sciences Department offers Bachelor and Master academic programmes: “Political Sciences” and “International Relations”, and a PhD program “Political institutions, processes and technologies.”
To enrol in an academic programme one have to choose between “Political Sciences” and “International Relations”. Students of the “Political Sciences” programme study such courses as “Political theory”, “History of Political Studies”, “Political Sociology”, “Political Philosophy”, “Political management” etc. “International Relations” programme focuses on “Theory and History of International Relations”, “European and International Law”, “Negotiation Training”, “Fundamentals of Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette.”
There are two Master degree programmes suggested by the Department – “Academic political studies: logic, methods, technologies” and “Political development in the modern world: technologies and communication”. The former focuses on academic studies whereas the latter’s focus lays in the analytical research.
Research Interests and Projects

Department academic staff actively takes part in group research projects, often welcoming students who are also interested in academic activity. For instance, there are several ongoing research projects such as:
- 2018-2019: "Political and institutional characteristics of municipalities and the quality of the distribution of public goods at the local level: the experience of the Perm region" (Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) №18-411-590012\18).
- 2018-2019: "Factors of Collective Actions in Russia: Cross-Regional Analysis" (RFBR №18-311-00195).
- 2018-2019: "Socially oriented NGOs and regional authorities in Russia: models of effective interaction for rendering social services to the citizens" (RFBR №18-311-00075\18).
- 2018-2020: "Language Regimes in Contemporary Russia: Language Preferential Policy Effects in Multiethnic Regions" (RFBR №18-011-00763 А).
- 2019-2021: "Institutionalization of ethnicity in the politics of identity of the Russian republics: a comprehensive comparative analysis" (RFBR № 19-011-00810 А)
- 2019-2021: "Spatial Localization of Ethnic Minorities within the Framework of Political-Administrative Boundaries as a Factor of Politicization of Ethnicity on Sub-National Level: Russian Practices in the Context of World Experience" (RFBR № 19-011-00257 А).
- 2019-2021: Erasmus JMA "POWERS – Peace, War and the World in European Security Challenges" (№ 599962-EPP-1-2018-1-RU-EPPJMO-Network)
- 2019-2021: "Economic Hardship and Political Accountability in Electoral Autocracies" (RFBR № 19-011-00430).
The spectrum of the research fields of the Department Academic Staff is fairly broad – from ethnopolitical processes in the modern world to the collective mobilization in Russia; from issues of European security to the questions of political identity.
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Head of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: political philosophy and political theory, public policy and co-management, local politics and local self-government, public administration.
Email: k.sulimov@psu.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-4277-3135
ResearcherID: N-9455-2018
Scopus AuthorID 57195718203
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: civil society, social movements, political regimes, political processes in Russian regions, identity politics.
Email: vsbederson@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-8532-0032
ResearcherID: P-6817-2017
Scopus Author ID 57194015218
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: youth policy in different countries of the world, political consciousness of modern youth, youth policy of international organizations, comparative political science, analysis of the socio-economic situation of the states of the world.
Email: belnatalya@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7649-8541
ResearcherID: N-7321-2018
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Dean of the Faculty for History and Political Science, Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional political processes, local politics, comparative political science, language policy.
Email: borisova_nv@psu.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-4516-0820
ResearcherID: G-8490-2018
Scopus AuthorID: 42260983500
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional and local politics, urban politics and single-industry towns, local government and local elites, elitology
E-mail: vit.tatiana@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-1281-1292
ResearcherID: L-8284-2018
Assistant of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: european regionalism, regional studies, political parties, European (political and national) identity, democracy and political participation.
Email: m.grabevnik@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-3321-7519
ResearcherID: G-5572-2018
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: socio-political processes in Latin America, ethnic and racial issues in the context of political transformation, a university in the higher education system.
Email: politestudios@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-1069-5411
ResearcherID: N-3087-2018
Assistant of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: transformation of the system of international relations, global security, terrorism and counterterrorism.
Email: juliamekh@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-1584-6661
ResearcherID: Y-4166-2018
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional identity and territory branding, ethnopolitics, discourse analysis.
Email: nazukina@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-0190-0513
ResearcherID: L-8246-2016
Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: comparative studies of political institutions, political parties, parliaments, elections
E-mail: panov.petr@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-0759-7618
ResearcherID: O-2160-2016
Scopus AuthorID: 36094686300
Senior Lecturer of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional and local politics, local government, electoral processes, informal practices and interactions.
Email: rance.regina@mail.ru
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional political processes, local politics, social policy, political regime, parliamentarism, university and community, social and political communications.
Email: puninaka@psu.ru
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: construction of the past in the countries of the former Soviet Union in the context of foreign policy; political relations in the countries of Central Asia.
Email: plotnikov.perm@mail.ru
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Assistant of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: political institutions and technologies, political PR-management, political Internet practices, e-government.
Email: a.sadilova@yandex.ru
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: theory of collective action, organizational theory, political mobilization, electoral authoritarianism, political institutions, urban policy.
Email: andreysemenov@comparativestudies.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5127-4314
ResearcherID (Web of Science): C-5027-2013
Scopus Author ID: 57191277788
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional political processes, political psychology, political leadership, electoral processes and political sociology, information and analytical support for the authorities, monitoring public opinion.
Email: voms5@mail.ru
Assistant of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: Russian political discourse, citizenship policy, identity and image construction.
Email: giornata004@gmail.com
Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Political Science Department
Professional interests: political identity, political communities, European integration, intellectuals in a comparative perspective.
Email: lafadeeva2007@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-3389-750X
ResearcherID: K-3482-2016
Scopus AuthorID: 36713368800
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: local politics, local elites.
Email: irinashevtsova@comparativestudies.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-2605-2928
Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Political Science Department.
Professional interests: regional political processes, local politics, comparative political science, authoritarianism.
Email: stas-polit@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-0950-7436
ResearcherID: G-8498-2018
Scopus AuthorID: 56747984200